Project 2 Data: Implication!!!!!!
This week my new focus is on implication. I had a great meeting with Hannah that showed me I need to dig deeper in my research to show how my topic is important. I am still at the sketching stage (see below) and I think I kinda jumped the gun (as usual ugh) with data visualization. I really liked the website with the different kinds of data visualizations (the one with the blue circles) and I spent a lot of time exploring different methods to portray my data. However, I started doing this before I had my concrete data set up. I still need to do some research about how waste in the beauty industry negatively affects the environment and what that means for people looking at my infographic. Hannah’s main question was just “why?” Moving forward, I need to focus on finding hard/concrete data before I continue sketching how to represent that data. I think my main trouble with this is that a lot of the data I have been finding are individual statistics. For example, waste from the beauty indu...