Project 3 Plans + How it Relates to My Infographic

  So I’m steadily continuing work on the joy booklet. I LOVE this project and not only do I enjoy designing this but it has allowed for a great reflection. I love looking back at what I’ve written so far and this is a great excuse to do so. I haven’t done a ton more work since last week as I have been trying to finish all the finals stuff that’s going on right now. BUT the sketch below shows what I’ve been thinking about so far. I have a solid plan, I was just trying to visualize it. I wanted to come up with some sort of axis or path for my icons to follow as it will sort of be a “visual gratitude journal” as Hannah put it which I think is a great way to describe it. 

I came up with this sort of diagonal axis by day to place my icons along and I still like this idea but I think it needs to happen more organically on the page. Once I come up with my icons I’m going to start sketching them and see what works best from there. This goes back to how I need to just let the data guide ME instead of the other way around. I really liked Hannah’s idea of maybe doing an accordion page situation or something like that so there can be more room. I think I fell into a similar problem with this in my infographic where I confined all the information into an arbitrary rectangle. So I want to approach this project with that same idea in mind. 

I hope as I continue working on this project that it’ll evolve into something really cool. One thing I have been thinking about is that I’m not sure if I will actually bind it this semester. It may be something that I present digitally through a mockup and then print next semester once I have access to Stamps and good paper. I want to keep this project going so I will need to think about how to present this long term. This is super far away but I am also thinking doing it spiral bound could be cool and I love spiral bound journals! It could also be a good way to combine all my future booklets into one if they are spiral bound that way and have the same holes. But that is a thought for the future! I am getting ahead of myself. This week my plan is to finish these icons and start placing them around the page to see what works well. I will obviously design this digitally but I think I want the icons to be hand drawn and then scanned. This will give my book a more personal feel and really have it come from ME. I think this will add to the concept. 


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