First Prototypes- Word Choice and Purpose

Blog Post 9.25 First Prototypes In our critique on Wednesday, I showed my design process so far for the wayfinding system for undergraduate students living in the dorms to get to their polling place. I showed 2 iterations of my banner design, an example of how I intend to transfer that to a corresponding poster at the polling location, and a draft of a possible map design. None of these iterations are very finalized or near to completion yet in terms of design, but I was mostly playing around with layout of information and what the language/information will actually look like. Looking back at what I presented, I understand Hannah’s point about the importance of the language I use. I was really focused on keeping all the text very informational and to the point, but I think with this mentality I became too concrete and didn’t think enough about the significance of my word choice and how that relates to the viewer. I was coming from the mindset of strictly necessary information and...